Partnering with OppenheimerFunds global asset management, Havas approached Future Colossal to deliver an exciting experiential strategy to the financial powerhouse. Within eight weeks, we brought two different interactive experiences to a storefront in the heart of the Financial District.
McCann, Havas
Design, Content Development, AV
Transporting pedestrians and cars passing by back in time to when the S&P first became an index in 1957. Peering into the interactive storefront, pedestrians discovered a black-and-white reflection of the street complete with mid-century BMW roadsters in the background. Each pedestrian was transformed into an avatar in period clothes that responded to their movements in real time.

Referencing the diversity of Oppenheimer’s index funds, we brought the world’s diverse wildlife to Wall Street. Delighting participants with Tigers, Pandas, Butterflies and Camels. Tracking and transforming up to six individuals at once, as well as traffic, the scene also contained scrolling text from the Oppenheimer Funds campaign.
Utilizing a combination of LIDAR lasers and Kinect systems, we tracked and transformed 50 feet of Wall Street traffic in two different interactive activations. The first experience transported pedestrians to 1957, when the S&P 500 became an index. Tracking and transforming up to six individuals at once, as well as passing traffic, the scene also contained scrolling text from the OppenheimerFunds' campaign.
A secondary experience brought a variety of Instagrammable exotic animal interactions to the Financial District: Monarch butterflies flew up from Brazil, while Bengal tigers from China crossed the sidewalk, and Australian kangaroos hopped onto the scene, playfully hinting at the surprising opportunities that can be found in their iGrowth portfolio.

Over the course of 3 weeks, over 50,000 pedestrians engaged with the two experiences, with 25% of users spending more than a minute-and-a-half interacting with the storefront. In a neighborhood where time is money, we measured success in how many people stopped to consider the surprising opportunities around them.